Family, Politics

Benches installed, improvements made to Seven Oaks trail

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Baltimore CountyOn Saturday, April 30, more than 30 volunteers from Boy Scout Troop 124 made improvements to the trail in the Seven Oaks Environmental Conservation Area, which is located behind the elementary school and senior center.

Eagle Scout candidate Nick Watts led the volunteers. Several local residents helped, picking up trash throughout the wooded area.

The group installed six benches, cleared the trail, and spread mulch. Eagle Scout candidate Peter Mulligan, Jr., will repair the steps and bridge later this summer.

“I am very proud of Nick Watts and all those who volunteered on a rainy weekend,” Baltimore County Councilman David Marks commented. “The trail will be an asset to the elementary school and the community. Special thanks also to Dow’s Landscaping for excavation work.”  

Councilman Marks assisted with approvals from Baltimore County.

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