Education, Politics

Councilman Marks: immediate relief, new school to address Perry Hall Middle overcrowding

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Baltimore CountyBaltimore County Councilman David Marks on Wednesday sent Superintendent S. Dallas Dance a letter asking the Baltimore County school system to prioritize strategies to relieve overcrowding at Perry Hall Middle School.

“We have made progress in addressing two longstanding problems in the Fifth District: the lack of air conditioning, and the overcrowding of numerous schools from Towson to Perry Hall. Both were problems that your administration and our office inherited,” the letter says. “With regard to school overcrowding, the budget helps address enrollment issues in lower grades by advancing two elementary schools, but I am very concerned about the situation in later years, including Perry Hall Middle School.”

The school system’s February 2015 enrollment study projects that this school will be over its state-rated capacity by 222 students in 2017, and 408 students by 2022 at the current rate of growth.

“While I am pleased that the budget addresses elementary school needs, it is imperative to advance a new middle school and eventually a high school. I speak not only as a graduate of Perry Hall Middle School, but as a parent,” Councilman Marks added. “The middle school overcrowding is a main reason why our office initiated such a comprehensive look at development in the Fifth District through the rezoning process.”

The letter can be viewed below.

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