Letters to the Editor, Politics

Letters to the Editor: Week of November 27, 2023

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The following Letters to the Editor were sent to NottinghamMD.com during the week of November 27, 2023.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in letters to our community should not be interpreted as the viewpoint of NottinghamMD.com.

Letter #1

Response to Councilman Marks announces passage of bill to eliminate paper bag fees at fast food restaurants, pharmacies

“Weak men are vicious men.” – Lance Wallnau

This quote aptly describes Councilman David Marks (who identifies as a Republican), in his taking a victory lap in passing this bill.

Voters may not be aware, but take note:

  • There were no exemptions IN THE ORIGINAL BILL THAT HE SPONSORED! Basically trying to make a bad bill better (which never works). Everyone was paying the fee.
  • On their own website it says “Must charge and retain at least five cents for each paper and reusable carryout bag they provide to a customer.” So the County Executive is misinforming the public.
  • Those charges collected MUST BE REPORTED back to the County.
  • “failure to charge the amount of money required” can result in a civil penalty not exceeding $500!
  • Why isn’t this listed as one of his “accomplishments” on the District 5 list?

And the one quote applauding this is a known supporter of Mr. Marks: Gary Rissling, owner of the Silver Spring Mining Company….the same Gary Rissling who Mr. Marks used as a surrogate to call another restaurant to pressure them to cancel a candidates’ fundraiser this past summer, because “he criticizes other Republicans”.

And even as late as Nov 28, Mr. Marks response deflects on the issue (parts of his District do run into the writer’s area), insulting Glen Geelhaar as well.

This kind of childish activity in the political sphere is more common than you think. But I digress.

Many pharmacies in grocery stores can also check out groceries too….what to do, what to do.

I wonder if Richard Norling, Political Chair of Sierra Club Maryland Chapter approves of this…. Wasn’t this the payoff for the Sierra Clubs’ endorsement of Mr. Marks? Or is there more to come?

These bans have been proven not to work, as there is an increase in the purchase of non-regulated bags.

It’s clear Mr. Marks is picking winners and losers, based on the amount of pressure applied to him. This is the very disgraceful behavior that needs to be excised from public service, because it does nothing for the environment, and is a disservice to the public.

I thought a true Republican would LIMIT intrusive government, but not Mr. Marks. This angry and vindictive councilman needs to be replaced.

Tom Henry
Parkville, MD

Letter #2

I have lived in the Middle River/White Marsh area my entire life. I’ve seen politicians come and go, and witnessed massive new developments that have transformed the community. Not all of the development is bad, but there is a general sense that growth has threatened to overwhelm our way of life.

David Marks became our County Councilman a year ago. He has been a breath of fresh air, and he has largely kept his promise to fundamentally change the trajectory of eastern Baltimore County. I’d like to point out four ways he has worked with community leaders.

First, he blocked the Lafarge Quarry Planned Unit Development. He came to an overflowing community meeting, and along with Delegates Nawrocki and Szeliga, actually listened to the community’s concerns.

Second, he halted the development of more than 300 apartments near White Marsh Mall.

Third, he worked with other elected officials to push for open space at the C.P. Crane plant, one of the last large parcels of land directly on the Chesapeake Bay.

Fourth, he filed dozens of rezoning issues to protect green space and limit growth to the Greenleigh area along White Marsh Boulevard.

I do not agree with every one of Councilman Marks’ positions, but think he is fundamentally honest, fair, and hardworking. The Eastside is lucky to have him.

Joshua Sines
Bird River Beach

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Photo via Pixabay

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