Business, Letters to the Editor, Politics

Bring Your Own Bag Act: Councilman Marks responds to plastic bag ban criticism

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From Councilman David Marks:

I am responding to Glen Geelhaar’s latest smear against me (, November 27).

For the record, I voted to cut the bag fee in half, submitted the exemption for small businesses, and strongly supported every exemption that passed.

I authored and passed the legislation that exempted fast food restaurants, pharmacies, and other small businesses.  That is why I have the support of entrepreneurs such as Gary Rissling from Silver Spring Mining Company.

While I was pushing for these changes, Mr. Geelhaar offered no help, choosing – once again – to focus his barrage of attacks on a Republican Councilman who does not even represent him in Towson.

I will always try to vote on behalf of the environment, unlike Mr. Geehaar, a two-time losing candidate best known – outside of social media attacks – for his odd obsession with destroying public property near Double Rock Park.

Republican voters deserve better than Mr. Geelhaar.

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