Business, Letters to the Editor, Politics

Letter to the Editor: Repeal the Bring Your Own Bag Act

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UPDATE: Councilman David Marks has issued a response.

Original story below…

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the November 20th article, “Councilman Marks announces passage of bill to eliminate paper bag fees at fast food restaurants, pharmacies.”

While Gary Rissling, owner of the Silver Spring Mining Company, sings the praises of Councilman David Marks for his limited paper bag fee exemptions, he conveniently omitted that the 5th district Councilman was a Sponsor of Bill 1-23 “Bring Your Own Bag Act” mandating the fees in the first place! The legislation can be found online here (PDF).

While “Baltimore County receives no revenue” from the bag fees, businesses are subject to a civil penalty not exceeding $500.00 for “failure to charge the amount of money required” for paper or reusable bags. The bill says so, and you can verify this fact on the provided link.

Families are struggling financially, and reusable bags that are not properly cleaned, pose a health hazard to retail workers. Enough is enough! Today, I am urging you to email the Baltimore County Council at: [email protected], and to call Councilman Marks’ office at 410 887-3384 to implore him and his colleagues to repeal the bill 1-23 the Bring Your Own Bag Act.

Glen Geelhaar
Republican Candidate House of Delegates


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