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Governor Hogan announces vetoes, climate legislation to take effect without signature

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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Friday announced in letters to the General Assembly that, in accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the Maryland Constitution, he has vetoed the following legislation passed during the 2022 legislative session:

HB 90 – State Personnel Management System – Office of the Public Defender – Placement and Collective Bargaining
HB 580 – Maryland Transit Administration Police – Collective Bargaining – Supervisors and Sergeants
“These pieces of legislation seek to alter labor practices that have worked for decades, while creating several burdensome fiscal and operational hardships.”

SB 53 – Juvenile Law – Child Interrogation Protection Act
“After careful consideration of the dueling priorities of protecting both youth constitutional rights as well as public safety and criminal investigations, it is clear that Senate Bill 53 fails to strike an appropriate balance that protects the youth and public safety of the state.”

SB 259 – Procurement – Prevailing Wage – Applicability
“By making public work projects more expensive, job opportunities will decrease as less projects are funded; competition will falter as smaller firms are deterred from bidding on State contracts; and ultimately, taxpayers will end up paying more while receiving less.”

SB 1 – State Finance and Procurement – Prevailing Wage – Stop Work Orders
“Senate Bill 1 may negatively impact the prevailing wage system, make contractors less likely to want to perform prevailing wage work, and could result in less competition and increased pricing on public works projects.”

HB 937 – Abortion Care Access Act
“As governor, I have upheld my commitment to take no action that would affect Maryland law where it concerns reproductive rights. With this action, I am reaffirming that commitment. … The only impact that this bill would have on women’s reproductive rights would be to set back standards for women’s health care and safety.”

HB 609 – Local Health Officers – Removal – Process
“House Bill 609 creates dangerous precedent and significantly undermines the voters and the Maryland Constitution, which entrusts the executive branch with making appointments to critical government roles.”

SB 514/HB 778 – Transportation – Investment Program – MARC Rail Service
“While I am supportive of the intent of this legislation to improve transit, as demonstrated by my record-level investment in transit to date, it must be done in a fiscally responsible manner and in one that does not limit the MDOT’s ability to adapt to evolving conditions.”

SB 275 – Labor and Employment – Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program – Establishment
“Had the General Assembly moved forward with a family leave proposal that adhered to the Obama administration’s definition of small businesses, I would have been more inclined to support it. An innovative and thoughtful approach to family leave that is flexible for both the employee and employer is important to improve the quality of life in the state. However, this legislation is backed by no actuarial analysis, no viable plan for implementation, and leaves the smallest of small businesses vulnerable to insurmountable regulatory burdens.”

HB 1021 – Public Safety – Licensed Firearms Dealers – Security Requirements
“This legislation was fast-tracked in the Senate, where there was essentially no opportunity for the public to weigh in, and reasonable amendments that would have made the bill more palatable for the industry and stakeholders were essentially ignored and discarded without meaningful consideration.”

Legislation To Take Effect Without Signature

Also today, in accordance with Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution, Governor Hogan announced that a number of measures will become law without his signature, including:

SB 528 – Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022
HB 740/SB 566 – State Retirement and Pension System – Investment Climate Risk – Fiduciary Duties
“While I am disappointed by SB 528’s early and politically-motivated disregard for the Maryland Commission on Climate Change’s consensus- and science-based approach and economically-modeled recommendations, I am encouraged by some of the subsequent revisions to the bill that are more in line with my administration’s insistence on ambitious yet achievable climate solutions.”

The governor again called on the Maryland General Assembly to pass emergency legislation to hold violent criminals accountable, while allowing SB 387/HB 425 to become law without his signature.

For a complete list of House bills that Governor Hogan will allow to become law without his signature, click here.

For a complete list of Senate bills that Governor Hogan will allow to become law without his signature, click here.

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