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Olszewski issues statement on passage of Baltimore County’s FY22 budget

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TOWSON, MD—Following the Baltimore County Council’s unanimous vote to pass Baltimore County’s budget for Fiscal Year 2022, County Executive Johnny Olszewski released the following statement:

“I thank my partners on the County Council for their commitment to investing in our shared future and a better Baltimore County.  With this budget, we’re poised to build on the historic progress we’ve already made, take new steps to address longstanding disparities in our communities, and continue a recovery that not just rebuilds our way of life, but reimagines how it can be even better in the years ahead.”

In April, Olszewski submitted a $4.2 billion budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2022 that provides record funding for public education and provides investments in key priorities that will he says will support the County’s ongoing recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

More information on Olszewski’s FY22 budget can be found here.

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