Governor Hogan announces Connect Maryland, $400 million initiative to ensure universal broadband For Maryland [VIDEO]

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Friday announced the launch of Connect Maryland, a transformative new initiative to supercharge the State of Maryland’s broadband with a total new investment of $400 million to fully address the digital divide. The governor made the announcement in Snow Hill, where he was joined by Senate President Bill Ferguson, House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones, and […]

Governor Hogan announces over $2 million in awards for Baltimore County broadband Infrastructure

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Tuesday announced awards to expand broadband internet access to more than 12,000 households in 18 counties. Administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development’s Office of Statewide Broadband (OSB), $29,472,131 in grant funding will support network infrastructure projects by local internet service providers that will provide connectivity to unserved or underserved communities in […]