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Governor Moore unveils Maryland’s State Plan, first in nearly ten years

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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Wes Moore has unveiled the Moore-Miller Administration’s State Plan—Maryland’s first in nearly ten years. During an all-State employee town hall, the governor presented the administration’s priorities, strategic objectives, and data-driven key performance indicators.

“Our State Plan is about more than big aspirational targets. We’ve laid out specific, actionable, realistic, and measurable goals and built our priorities by listening to the people of Maryland,” said Gov. Moore. “The plan is not just a reflection of our administration’s aspirations – it’s a reflection of Marylanders’ aspirations. It will chart the course to get to work over the next three years.”

The State Plan outlines how Governor Moore will operationalize his vision for Maryland, capturing the administration’s top ten policy priorities and implementation strategies. The plan compliments the governor’s FY 2025 budget and legislative agenda for the 2024 Maryland General Assembly—with each driving progress to make Maryland safer, more affordable, more competitive, and the state that serves this year.

The Governor’s Office of Performance Improvement worked with State agencies to gather data, analyze transition reports, and collate stakeholder feedback to develop and define the plan’s three primary components, which include:

Ten priorities that articulate the administration’s highest aspirations, including:

  • Ending child poverty
  • Setting students up for success
  • Creating an equitable, robust, and competitive economy
  • Connecting Marylanders to jobs
  • Creating safer communities
  • Making Maryland a desirable an affordable home for all residents
  • Advancing infrastructure to better connect Marylanders to better opportunities and each other
  • Ensuring world-class health systems for Marylanders
  • Making Maryland a leader in clean energy and the greenest state in the country
  • Making Maryland a state that serves

Objectives that define goals support the plan’s ten priorities and provide tangible engagement tactics. The plan’s objectives are expected to evolve over time and include program changes, employee recruitment and retention, and new ways of working.

Key performance indicators include data that will measure progress, spanning a variety of sources. The Governor’s Office of Performance Improvement will continue to work to bolster data availability, enhance transparency, and elevate the use of data to drive decision making.

To that end, the office will begin publicly reporting progress on key performance indicators in early 2025. Governor Moore will also appoint a Performance Cabinet later this year to regularly review and evaluate State Plan progress.

“Leadership means setting clear priorities, identifying how to achieve goals using specific metrics, and setting up an accountability framework,” said Governor’s Chief Performance Officer Asma Mirza. “That’s what we’re doing with the State Plan and the Performance Cabinet, so we can deliver for the people of Maryland.”

During the State of the State delivered last week, Governor Moore cited the State Plan as a critical strategic component of the administration’s efforts to move in partnership with leaders at all levels of government to better serve Marylanders’ needs.

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