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Delegates Szeliga, Nawrocki express concern over proposed bill allowing unlimited speed cameras in Baltimore County

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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Delegates Kathy Szeliga and Ryan Nawrocki on Tuesday issued statements expressing concern regarding HB58, which would allow unlimited speed cameras across Baltimore County, even outside of school zones.

Last year, due to many concerns, this bill did not make its way out of the Baltimore County delegation; however, it has returned to the state legislature again this year.

HB58 will allow Baltimore County government officials to put speed cameras on nearly every street in the county. This will remove any checks and balances from the Maryland General Assembly. Baltimore County can currently install at least 636 speed cameras within a half mile of the public or private school zones. There are presently 78 speed cameras in operation.

Delegate Nawrocki stated, “Any further expansion of speed camera installation is unnecessary and an overreach of power. The County has already radically expanded where speed cameras can be placed. Soon, there will be more speed cameras than Amazon delivery trucks across our roadways.”

Delegate Szeliga said, “When $40 tickets flood your mailbox, it will be too late to stop this. Rather than increasing the number of speed cameras across the County, we need more police officers working traffic. Speed cameras only reduce speeding near the camera location.”

The Baltimore County delegation is scheduled to vote on this legislation on Friday, January 26th.

Photo via Pixabay

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