Around Maryland, Politics

U.S. Court of Appeals grants rehearing on Maryland handgun law

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BALTIMORE, MD—The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit this week granted Maryland’s petition for rehearing en banc in the case of Maryland Shall Issue v. Wes Moore.

The ruling means that the full appellate court will reconsider the November ruling by a three-judge panel of the court that Maryland’s law requiring most citizens to obtain a license before acquiring a handgun was unconstitutional. The Office of the Attorney General filed the petition requesting the rehearing en banc last month.

“The ongoing gun violence plaguing our streets and our communities continues to take innocent lives and tear families apart,” said Attorney General Brown. “I welcome the court’s decision to rehear this case and will continue to defend common-sense gun laws to protect Marylanders from these unnecessary and very preventable tragedies. Hopes and wishes do not take guns off our streets, but common-sense gun safety laws do.”

Governor Wes Moore released the following statement regarding decision:

“I welcome the court’s decision to rehear this important case. Common sense gun laws are vital to my administration’s commitment to keeping guns out of the wrong hands and saving lives. Since day one I’ve been clear—we have to do more than offer thoughts and prayers when it comes to addressing gun violence and I refuse to be a governor that just stands by and attends funerals while our communities continue to be terrorized.

​Every Marylander has the right to feel safe in their own neighborhood. We will continue to work in partnership with the state legislature, local leaders, advocates, and community members to introduce common-sense legislation that makes Maryland’s communities safer.”

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