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POLL: Should Baltimore County ban plastic bags?

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UPDATE: The Baltimore County Council has passed the bag ban bill.

Original story below…


NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County officials are considering a bill that would ban plastic bags.

The Bring Your Own Bag Act hopes to address trash buildup across the county and in its streams.

Baltimore County Councilman Izzy Patoka (D-District 2) introduced and serves as one of the lead sponsors of the bill.

“I am proud to introduce and serve as one of the lead sponsors of the Bring Your Own Bag Act,” said Councilman Patoka. “Being able to introduce legislation that eliminates and reduces the use of plastic and paper bags is about strengthening our environment and protecting the future for generations to come.”

According to the Sierra Club Greater Baltimore Group, Baltimore County residents use almost 1 million plastic bags per day. That number equates to more than one bag per person throughout the county.

The bill calls for retailers to stop using plastic bags and charge 10 cents for each paper bag people receive with their purchases.

The Bring Your Own Bag Act is co-sponsored by Councilman Mike Ertel (D-District 6) and Councilman David Marks (R-District 5).

POLL: Should Baltimore County ban plastic bags?  Vote below.

Photo via Pixabay

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