
Governor Hogan signs new congressional redistricting map into law after AG drops appeal

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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan this week signed a revamped congressional map into law after the state withdrew its appeal of an earlier decision that Democrats’ initial map was unconstitutional.

The new map was passed by lawmakers last week and was signed into law on Monday afternoon.

Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Lynn Battaglia on March 25 ruled that the initial map approved by the General Assembly was unconstitutional and gave lawmakers five days to draw a new one, WBAL-TV reports.

Governor Hogan issued the following statement on Monday:

“Today we have won a tremendous victory for democracy, and for free and fair elections in Maryland.  For the first time, a set of maps gerrymandered by Democrats has been thrown out. The court’s ruling that the politicians engaged in ‘extreme’ gerrymandering stands, and a redrawn map is now the law of the land.

“This is the culmination of our eight-year battle against what was the worst gerrymandering in America,” Governor Hogan add. I want to thank all the people across the state—Republicans, Democrats, and independents—who have been fighting for fair maps.

“Gerrymandering is a cancer on democracy—regardless of which party does it. This is an historic achievement, but now the General Assembly needs to fix this process permanently so that the politicians can’t go back and try to violate the Constitution again. Voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around.”

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