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Kenwood High, Overlea High, Eastern Tech recognized at Baltimore County Student Councils virtual end-of-year ceremony

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TOWSON, MD—Leaders with Baltimore County Student Councils gathered at an online ceremony last week to celebrate the year’s achievements and present awards.

The Principal of the Year – High School Award was presented to Brian Powell of Kenwood High School. In announcing the award, Makenna Hakim, a senior at Towson High School and BCSC’s chief of staff, described Powell as “enthusiastic, dedicated, passionate, and deeply invested in student success. A transformative and inspirational leader, this individual has changed the school’s culture to embody excellence, embrace inclusion, and encourage innovation.”

The Principal of the Year – Middle School Award was presented to Stacey Johnson of Loch Raven Technical Academy. In her presentation, Claire Cabral, a Grade 8 student at Hereford Middle School, said that Johnson “was a key component in the rejuvenation of a student council organization at her school this year. She encouraged participation in BCSC events and has even established a principal’s cabinet to foster communication with her students.”

Lacey Forman of Kenwood High School received the Advisor of the Year – High School Award. Gabriella Chalker, a senior at Hereford High School and BCSC social media coordinator, presented the award and described Forman as “an advisor who has done so much for not only the students from her own school but for students from across Baltimore County. She even took a group of Baltimore County students to the National Student Council Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., this year.!As a student who was able to go to this conference because of her, I am so thankful for her.” Chalker noted that Forman’s students describe her as having “terrific communication skills, a tireless work ethic, and a true dedication to the success of students and colleagues.”

Carl Nelson and Jerry D’s Catering received the Barbara Fuller Friend of BCSC Award. In presenting the award, Carter Bohart, a sophomore at Eastern Technical High School and the BCSC community outreach director, explained that BCSC selected Nelson and Jerry D’s for the honor because they were a huge part of the group’s efforts to be more environmentally friendly. Nelson and Jerry D’s were honored for their work to create more environmentally-friendly lunches for BCSC general assembly meetings.

New this year was the presentation of The Superintendent’s Cup to the middle and high school student councils that excelled in service, involvement, and leadership development. The cup was presented to organizations at Hereford Middle School and Overlea High School.

In her presentation of the award, Samantha Warfel, a Grade 9 student at Hereford High and BCSC first vice president, noted that Hereford Middle’s student council hosted spirit weeks and a door decorating contest, decorated bathrooms with positive messages, and created bracelets to honor a student who passed away during the school year.

Overlea High’s student government, Warfel said, prides itself on creating a “nurturing environment for blossoming student leaders.” The group collected food for local shelters, held a blanket and bedding drive for the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, participated in Wreaths Across America, collected needed items for a family that lost its home, and organized an art supply drive to support mental health care at Franklin Square Hospital.

Warfel also was recognized during the ceremony with the Maryland Association for Student Councils (MASC) Outstanding Leader Award for Baltimore County. She was honored for her strong commitment to student leadership at the county and state levels and for her contributions to workshops and for planning and implementing events, including the MASC Women’s Leadership Forum held at Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts.

Warfel also spearheaded the Board of Selected Students (BOSS) meetings, which brought together student representatives from 52 BCPS middle and high schools to hear updates on student leadership activities and relevant legislation and to participate in workshops on school issues and leadership skills.

The ceremony concluded with honoring the BCSC leadership team for their dedication. The honored student leaders are:

  • Angela Qian, President (Grade 12, Hereford High)
  • Samantha Warfel, First Vice President (Grade 9, Hereford High)
  • Carter Bohart, Community Outreach Director (Grade 10, Eastern Technical High)
  • Claire Cabral, Second Vice President (Grade 7, Hereford Middle School)
  • Omer Reshid, Student Member of the Board (Grade 12, Pikesville High)
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