
Board of Education seeking public comment on boundary recommendations affecting Perry Hall, Carney schools

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NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Public Schools announced on Friday that the public has until Saturday, June 13, to comment on a proposed adjustment to the boundary lines of four Baltimore County schools now under consideration by the Board of Education of Baltimore County.

The proposed boundary change, which was presented to the Board during its May 19 work session, is necessary because of the development of the Village at Gunpowder Falls, a cul-de-sac development currently under construction that straddles boundary lines for two elementary schools – Pine Grove and Seven Oaks – and two middle schools – Perry Hall and Pine Grove.

BCPS planners told Board members during the May 19 meeting that the scope of the boundary change will address the alignment of the attendance areas for the Gunpowder Falls development to a single elementary school, Seven Oaks, and a single middle school, Pine Grove. The proposed change – the details of which may be viewed at the boundary study’s website – will not reassign any students currently attending any of the affected schools.

Condensing the process used to recommend boundary line adjustments was made necessary because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on BCPS academic and administrative operations, planners said.

BCPS used the modified boundary resolution process, Board members learned, to ensure a timely resolution of the issue and to avoid any disruption or confusion that might arise.

Instead of a public hearing to solicit feedback about the proposal, the public is invited to provide comments to the Board by e-mail, an online comment form, or by regular mail.

Comments will be accepted until midnight on Saturday, June 13, 2020. A decision is expected to be made at the Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 23, 2020.

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