Business, Politics

Councilman Marks responds to Oakleigh Pet Cemetery rumors

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PARKVILLE, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Friday responded to rumors that the Oakleigh Pet Cemetery is being rezoned for development.

“This absurd comment, spread by some on social media, flies in the face of all we have done to protect the Oakleigh Pet Cemetery, which was in a state of neglect before my election to the County Council,” said Councilman Marks.

Marks initiated a zoning issue at the Oakleigh Pet Cemetery in the event the county or a nonprofit organization negotiated with the owner to acquire the property for a park.

The land could then be rezoned Neighborhood Commons, or open space.

Currently, since the cemetery is privately-owned, it can only be zoned as low as one house per acre.

Councilman Marks downzoned the property in 2012 from a high level of zoning that would have allowed townhouses, apartments, or condominiums. He also passed legislation that provided guarantees for those who have pets interned at the cemetery – if the land were ever to be sold.

“The administrator of the Oakleigh ‘advocacy’ Facebook page blocked me and does not allow me to defend our record on the pet cemetery,” added Councilman Marks. “I value free speech – and I certainly value the Oakleigh Pet Cemetery. Thanks to our rezoning in 2012, it is better protected than ever against over-development.”

Oakleigh Pet Cemetery is located at 8408 Oakleigh Road (21234).

[Image via Google Maps / John Collins]

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