Business, Politics

Baltimore County announces Economic Development Advisory Board

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TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski on Friday issued an Executive Order to create the Baltimore County Economic Development Advisory Board, which will provide input and guidance to the administration on economic development, job creation, workforce development, tourism, arts and culture, and other aspects of the County’s economy.

“Baltimore County is already an extraordinary place to do business, with one of the best-educated workforces in the country and over 21,000 diverse businesses. But we know we can do even better,” County Executive Olszewski said. “This new advisory board will bring together respected, thoughtful, entrepreneurial leaders to help us ensure Baltimore County remains an economic engine for the entire region and that we can build a better economy for every resident.”

Chaired by Marcus Wang, Co-Founder, President and General Manager of ZytoGen, and co-chaired by Ali Von Paris, CEO and Founder of Route One Apparel, the Advisory Board will consist of a diverse array of talented and knowledgeable individuals from across the region, including:

  • Chris Brandt, CEO, Audacious Inquiry
  • Cale Christensen, Whiting Turner
  • Renee Christoff, Head of Global Associate Engagement and Corporate Responsibility, T. Rowe Price
  • Lee Coplan, Owner and Partner, Hord Coplan Macht
  • Robert Dashiel, Founder and Principal, The Law Office of Robert Fulton Dashiell
  • Mike Donilon, DBC Head of Open Gate Brewery, Guinness Open Gate
  • Scott Dorsey, Chairman and CEO, Merritt Properties
  • Nakeia Drummond, Founder and Chief Strategist, NLD Strategic
  • Pete Forakis, Titan Industrial Services
  • Suzy Ganz, CEO, Lion Brothers
  • Marina Hong, Vice President, HR, Integrated Diagnostic Solutions
  • Nigel Knowles, CEO, LCG Technologies
  • Olga Maltseva, President and COO, Healytics
  • Carla Nelson Chambers, Managing Principal, The Nelson Ideation Group, LLC
  • Rodney Oddoye, Senior Vice President, Governmental and External Affairs, BGE
  • Scott Phillips, Principal, N. Scott Phillips Legal and Business Consulting Services
  • Eileen Rivera Ley, Training Director, Blind Savvy USA
  • Lori Robinson, Vice President Corporate Branding, Communications and Community Relations, McCormick
  • Timmy Ruppersberger, Director of Business and Community Relations, Clapp Communication
  • Jason St. John, Litigation Department Chairman, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr
  • Marcus Stephens, Executive Creative Director, Plank Industries
  • Donna Stevenson, President and CEO, Early Morning Software
  • Aaron Tomarchio, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Tradepoint Atlantic
  • Jason Weiner, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Lifebridge Health

The Baltimore County Economic Development Advisory Board will be tasked with exploring potential marketing strategies to better position Baltimore County in an effort to attract and retain businesses; examining best practice models across the country for effective public-private partnerships; and providing input in creating a comprehensive, data-informed, long-term economic development strategy with goals and metrics.

The formation of this Advisory Board fulfills a key recommendation outlined in the 2019 Baltimore County Government Transition Team Report, which called for efforts to engage with a diverse group of business leaders and employers in shaping Baltimore County’s economic development strategies.

The Economic Development Advisory Board will host their first meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. at the Baltimore County Agricultural Center, 1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, Maryland 21030.

The full text of the Executive Order is provided below:

No. 20-001


WHEREAS, Baltimore County has 847,000 residents—the third largest population in Maryland; and

WHEREAS, Baltimore County has one of the most well-educated workforces with a bachelor’s degree attainment nearly 10 percent higher than the national average; and

WHEREAS, Baltimore County is home to 21,344 diverse businesses spanning across nine different industries with a total workforce of 374,646; and

WHEREAS, Baltimore County government is an economic engine for the region, employing more than 8,000 employees, and spending approximately $3.6 billion annually in operating expenses; and

WHEREAS, Baltimore County is a AAA-bond-rated County because of strong partnerships, infrastructure investment and sound fiscal management; and

WHEREAS, a key recommendation outlined in the 2019 Baltimore County Government Transition Board Report is to establish an Economic Development Commission; and

WHEREAS, it is important to engage with a diverse group of business leaders and employers in shaping Baltimore County’s Economic Development strategies;

Now, therefore, it is this 21 day of February 2020, by the County Executive of Baltimore County, Maryland, ordered that the Baltimore County Economic Development Advisory Board shall be created and charged as follows:

Section I: Baltimore County Economic Development Advisory Board

  1. Purpose. The Baltimore County Economic Development Advisory Board (hereinafter, the “Board”) will provide input, as an advisory body to the Administration on topics such as economic development, workforce development, tourism, arts and culture, and other aspects of the County’s economy. Additionally, the Advisory Board will serve as a collaborative forum for partnerships between public and private elements of the local economy to be identified and developed. The Baltimore County Economic Development Advisory Board shall perform the following duties:
  • Offer guidance to the Administration on specific initiatives of economic development, job creation, and quality of life goals of the county.
  • Provide input in creating a comprehensive, data-informed, long-term strategy with goals and metrics that tie together economic development, workforce development, tourism, arts and culture, and other aspects of the County’s economy.
  • Explore potential marketing strategies to better position Baltimore County in an effort to attract and retain businesses.
  • Explore models across the country for effective public/private partnerships.
  • Consider regional approaches to workforce and economic development.
  1. Membership. The County Executive shall appoint members who provide expertise in varying industries, geography and experiences. The County Executive shall appoint members to the Board who are representative of the county’s diversity.
  2. Terms. Members will serve a two-year term, beginning on February 25, 2020. A member may not serve more than two full, consecutive terms.

The terms of appointed members are staggered as required by the terms in effect for members of the Board on February 25, 2020.

At the end of a term, a member may continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualifies.

A member who is appointed after a term has begun serves only for the rest of the term and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.

  1. Quorum. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and an affirmative vote of the majority of those present at any meeting shall be sufficient for any official action.
  2. Chair. The Chair of the Board shall be selected by the County Executive.
  3. Compensation. A member of the Board:
  1. May not receive compensation as a member of the Board; but
  2. Is entitled to reimbursement for expenses necessarily incurred, if approved by the Board and provided for in the county operating budget
  1. Meetings. The Board shall meet at quarterly as well as at the request of the Chair as frequently as required to perform its duties.

Section II: Staff Assistance
Staff assistance shall be provided by the Department of Economic and Workforce Development.

Section III. Effective Date.
This Executive Order shall take effect immediately according to its terms.


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