Education, Politics

Parkville High School Resource Officer receives award

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Parkville High SchoolOfficer Buie, the School Resource Officer for Parkville High School, has been given a Commanders Award by Parkville Precinct Commander Captain Steve Troutman. The reward is in recognition for his work with students at the school and his efforts to reach out to students who primarily spoke other languages.

Back in October, a Multicultural Assembly was held at the school where Spanish-speaking officers met with groups of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students.

Captain Troutman stated:

Officer Buie truly cares about each and every child that attends Parkville High School. He has expressed, on many occasions, that he believes in every child, and that not one is to be considered a lost cause. He is such a positive mentor and we are honored to have him as part of the Special Operations Unit for Precinct Eight.

More information on the outreach program is available here.


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