
Parkville’s ‘Cat Snatcher’ is allegedly at it again

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CatA number of cats have recently gone missing in the Parkville area, and some folks think they know where they went.

The members of a particularly active Parkville Facebook group claim that a local woman is something of a “cat snatcher,” who traps felines and then takes them to Baltimore County Animal Control where many of them end up being euthanized.

The blog Total Sorority Move quotes one member of the group as saying:

If you see this woman [photo redacted] in your neighborhood, she is most likely there to trap cats. She makes no distinction between strays and your pet cat sitting on the porch. She takes them all to Baltimore County Animal Shelter, where 71% of them are euthanized. She traps in Parkville, Carney, Towson and other places I haven’t determined yet. It’s not just a couple of them once in awhile, this woman goes out daily to trap. She’s turned in 5 or more just this week.!! Has been known to bring in up to 20 a week. Very few of them are feral so they are someone’s pets. Just an FYI, she drives a HONDA FIT, I’m unclear on the color right now, will update with further info.

The county is an open admission shelter and they are forced by law to accept them. They have asked her to stop, she refuses. Several animal advocate people have spoken with her to no avail. So watch out for her and keep your kitties safe. By the way, she doesn’t keep track of where she traps them to give that info to shelter. So no one knows where exactly they are coming from. Those of us involved with advocacy can tell you with certainty that most of these cats are pets who had the misfortune of being spotted and being friendly, and trap ignorant.

The person in question has reportedly doing this for over a year.


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