Education, Politics, Traffic

Raised crosswalks completed at Perry Hall Middle, Perry Hall High

Perry Hall Crosswalk Ribbon CuttingNew crosswalks that double as traffic calming measures have opened in Perry Hall.

The new crosswalks, which were initially announced back in December, were completed along Ebenezer Road and will help to slow speeding at Perry Hall Middle and High Schools.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held last week.

Two raised crosswalks with pedestrian refuge islands were installed in front of Perry Hall High School. The raised crosswalk is slightly lower than a speed hump, but will help slow the speed of motorists. Additionally, the pedestrian refuge island allows students a safer place to stand as they cross. Pedestrian ramps also make the area compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

A third crosswalk with a pedestrian refuge island was installed in front of Perry Hall Middle School at Yvonne Avenue.

The total cost for the project was $60,000.

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