Maryland School Report Card: State sees increase in high-performing schools

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) released the 2024 Maryland School Report Card on Tuesday, revealing an increase in schools receiving high ratings. The report, which analyzes school performance for the 2023-24 academic year under the Maryland Accountability System, shows that 41% of schools earned either four or five stars, compared to 38% in the previous year. According […]

MSDE: 2023 MCAP results showing improvement

BALTIMORE, MD—Student proficiency rates in English Language Arts (ELA) in School Year 2022-2023 are at their highest in nearly a decade with the largest single-year gain in grades 3-8 over the same time period. Statewide results (PDF) of the latest Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) assessments show notable improvements in literacy and mathematics, with literacy results surpassing pre-pandemic performance. Student […]

New Maryland Report Card for Baltimore County schools released

Nearly 90 percent (88.8%) of Baltimore County’s 160 public schools evaluated in the new Maryland Report Card received 3, 4 or 5 star ratings. Sixty percent earned 4 or 5 star ratings, the highest ratings possible in the state’s new accountability system. Ninety-nine percent of Baltimore County’s elementary schools received 3, 4 or 5 stars, and 73 percent earned 4 or […]