MDOT MVA offers year-end safety reminders

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) is reminding residents about important safety reminders and service updates as the new year approaches. These reminders aim to ensure the safety of all road users, whether they are driving, biking, or walking. One major change taking effect on January 1, 2025, is a new tiered fine system for work […]

Attorney General, MVA warn consumers about purchasing flood-damaged cars

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Office of the Attorney General and the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration are partnering to issue an alert for consumers in the market for a used car to be aware of flood damaged vehicles originating from states recently impacted by hurricanes and flooding. “Marylanders shouldn’t spend their hard-earned money on a car that is unsafe […]

Maryland MVA launches app for businesses to accept mobile IDs for age verification

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Transportation’s Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) has launched a new mobile app, Mobile ID Check by MD, enabling businesses to accept mobile driver’s licenses and identification cards for age verification. The free app, available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play, aims to provide a secure and convenient way for businesses to verify […]

MDOT SHA, MVA urge motorists to use extra caution as days grow shorter

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) and Motor Vehicle Administration’s Highway Safety Office (MDOT MVA) are reminding motorists to exercise extra caution this autumn as days grow shorter. With Halloween approaching and the sun setting earlier, officials say pedestrian and cyclist safety are paramount. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) designates October as National […]

Maryland DOT urges caution near school buses as students return to class

BALTIMORE, MD—With the new school year fast approaching, the Maryland Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to take extra precautions when driving near school buses. MDOT says more than 600,000 Maryland students will be taking the bus to and from school this year. Officials say the safety of students is of the utmost importance, and therefore, the MVA is stressing […]

Ocean City, MDOT launch summer safety campaign

OCEAN CITY, MD—Ocean City is preparing for summer and the Maryland Department of Transportation is reminding visitors about safety. The city launched its ‘Walk Smart, Drive Smart, and Bike Smart’ safety campaign with the help of Cheswick the Crab, Mayor Richard Meehan, and Police Chief Ross Buzzuro. The campaign aims to help people stay safe during the busy summer season. […]

Maryland Department of Transportation and partners strive to keep pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists safe this summer in Ocean City

BALTIMORE, MD—Preparations are underway for the start of the upcoming beach season, and the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration and Motor Vehicle Administration’s Highway Safety Office are again partnering with stakeholders to promote pedestrian, bicycle and driver safety in Ocean City. At a press conference on Thursday, the agencies were joined by representatives of the Town of Ocean […]